What is GiroSardegna?


It is a composite event built to compete but also to do pleasant cycling tourism.

The prerequisites of the event are the beauty of the places in a particular time of year (Sardinia in spring is a riot of colors and smells!), the quality of the hotels chosen and the “climate” that is always created among the participants; furthermore the times are convenient, the roads have perfect asphalt, the nature is like a postcard and there are no trips to make every day: all these elements, combined together, have made the Giro an event without equal in the world with a right philosophy and a well-done organization!

The stage race is built on the model of the great professional tours but with a substantial difference: at the end of the week ALL the participants feel victorious!

The secret of the great success of the Giro is simple: after the first stage each cyclist knows the number, the name and the face of “his” opponents; from that moment on, the others count for very little and for a week you compete to overtake whoever came first the day before by a few seconds… while watching your back for whoever has been dropped!

This is why ALWAYS, even those who arrive at the finish line an hour after the first, carefully study the rankings!

Types of registration for the “competitive” GiroSardegna: When registering, cyclists must expressly choose one of the types of RACE for which it is mandatory to have a membership card from a Cycling Club; the membership card can be Italian or foreign (those who do not have one can ask to join the ASD Mare e Monti, organizer of the event, by sending an appropriate medical certificate):

“Gravel”: the race on April 25 is included in the UCI Gravel World Series and selects the athletes for the World Championship. Professionals and Amateurs compete and the rankings are made on the basis of the international UCI categories.

“Classic”: six stages from April 26th to May 1st, in two road race routes (MedioGiro – medium difficulty and medium distance stages – and GranGiro – longer stages, with a few more climbs -) with stage classification and general classification made according to the Italian national categories. The level of participants is very different: there are those who pedal at an average of 40 km/h; those who go at 30 and those who struggle to reach 20! ATTENTION: to remain in the general classifications (absolute and by age category) cyclists must complete their route every day: those who DO NOT reach the finish line in a stage or who take a different route than the one they are registered for, are excluded from the general classification. In the following days they will still be able to start, but from then on they will only participate in the Stage Classification.

“Gold”: the super-event that, by adding the times obtained by the athletes in the Gravel and Classic, gives out special prizes to those who have tackled both specialties in the 7 days of the race

“Try”: a “taste” of the GiroSardegna-Gold, reserved for those who, taking advantage of the national holiday and the weekend, want to participate in the daily rankings of the Gravel on the 25th (with the world selection); the time trial on Saturday the 26th and the in-line stage on the 27th but without entering the general rankings.

Registrations for the GiroSardegna “cycle-tourist”: Cycle-tourists who want to be free to pedal when, how and with whomever they want, can register for the “Tour” and can choose to prefer the non-competitive ones:

“Muscular” for those who love the muscular bike and want to take short and relaxing routes;

“E-Bike” for those who want/can go further with an assisted bike;

“Gravel” dedicated to those who love to range without limits on every terrain.

The Tour fee is valid for the 7 days of the Gold: you can participate EVEN WITHOUT being registered with a Sports Club and without having to have a medical certificate, it is sufficient to sign the membership which implies the release declaration.

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GranGiro Stages

the individual time trial

…mountains and lake of the interior

MedioGiro Stages

the individual time trial

…mountains and lake of the interior

A worthy final for the GiroSardegna!

Le Tappe E-bike al GiroSardegna 2024

Le Tappe Para-GiroSardegna 2023

Le Tappe della Rando 900 km Sardegna 2023