It completes the offer of rooms (it is right next to the Hotel Janna ‘e Sole); same hotel chain, therefore guarantees the same quality of services and catering.
This hotel is also structured in one/two-story villas, and has its own restaurant.
(for registrations by 12/31/2024)
It completes the offer of rooms (it is right next to the Hotel Janna ‘e Sole); same hotel chain, therefore guarantees the same quality of services and catering.
This hotel is also structured in one/two-story villas, and has its own restaurant.
Se ti iscrivi entro il 31 dicembre 2023, la quota hotel, nel sistema di iscrizione online è automaticamente SCONTATA di 100 Euro.
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Comune di Cagliari
Comune di Quartu Sant’Elena
Comune di Portoscuso
Comune di Pula
A.S.D. Mare e Monti
Sede legale
Via Mar Ligure, 96 09046 – Quartu S.E.
Sedi operative
09125 Cagliari – Via XX Settembre, 9/pal.A
Tel. 0707331676 Fax 070858241486080
Roccasicura (IS) – P.zza G. Marconi, 7
Codice Fiscale
Partita IVA